Evolution of Family Therapy
With Dr. Zev Ganz and Fran Ackerman, M.S.W.

Join Dr. Zev Ganz and Fran Ackerman, M.S.W. as they discuss the evolution of family therapy over the last fifty years.
About The Speakers

Dr. Zev Ganz
Dr. Zev Ganz earned a master’s degree from the Wurzweiler School of Social Work of Yeshiva University and a doctoral degree from Smith College School for Social Work. He completed postgraduate training in Individual and Family therapy at The Family Institute of Neve Yerushalayim with a focus on working with young children and their families as well as the treatment of child sexual abuse. He is a certified practitioner of the attachment- based model Child Parent Psychotherapy (CPP), and has lectured and published widely on the topic of attachment and families. Zev currently serves as Rosh Tzevet of the Lamerchav/Kav L’noar mental health clinic in Ramat Beit Shemesh, is a clinical supervisor at The Family Institute of Neve Yerushalayim, a lecturer at Machon Shiluv, and maintains a private practice in Ramat Beit Shemesh and Jerusalem.

Fran Ackerman, M.S.W.
Fran Ackerman, M.S.W., has worked directly with the pioneers of Family Therapy in the United States Drs. Murray Bowen, Salvador Minuchin, and Carl Whittaker. She is a former faculty member at the Ackerman Institute for the Family in New York City, the Philadelphia Child Guidance Clinic, and the School of Social Work at Hebrew University. Her published work focuses on the clinical application of Bowen Family Systems Theory. In addition to being a Clinical Supervisor at The Family Institute, she maintains a private practice in Jerusalem.